The Millennial Mindset: 10 Factors That Drive Millennials’ Consumer Behaviour

The Millennial Mindset: [10 Factors] That Drive Millennials’ Consumer Behaviour Marketing to Millennials requires an understanding of the millennial mindset. In this article I will take you through ten factors that affect the millennial mindset and shape their consumer behaviour. If you have landed on this page, I am guessing that you are a marketer, […]
Somi Arian’s Interview with Gary Vaynerchuk on Millennials and Luxury Brands

Somi Arian’s Interview with Gary Vaynerchuk on Millennials and Luxury Brands Are Luxury Brands doing all the right things to attract Millennials? In “The Millennial Disruption” documentary, I showed how so many brands are failing to attract millennials and gain their loyalty. Luxury brands are no exception, and in fact in many cases, […]
Somi Arian’s Interview with Jamie Credland of The Economist

Somi Arian’s Interview with Jamie Credland of The Economist Somi Arian: If you were to compare James Wilson in 1843, to some of the entrepreneurs that are starting out now, the mindset of them and their trajectory. How would you compare them? Jamie Credland: It’s an interesting question. James Wilson absolutely was an entrepreneur […]